AfueraRodrigo Valdivielso was born in San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, in 1976. In 1994 he moved to Buenos Aires to study economy until 1996. In 1998 he joined the FADU/UBA and in 2002 graduated as industrial designer. In 2006 is a postgraduate in design of furniture in the UBA.

Since 2001 he is teaching univesitario in the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) in the areas of design, morphology and history of Industrial Design. He actively participates as lecturer in conferences, academic, institutional and professional fields.

It works as a designer from his small Studio in product design, design of commercial spaces, design furniture, lighting and street furniture. At the same time has designed and managed its products independently. Following have been specialized in the field of sustainable design, he was co-founder director of sustainable design, dedicated to the design, promotion and consulting in environmental conscious design.

He has been consultant designer for the Ministry of environment and space public of the city of Buenos Aires in the area of implementation of different elements in public space, urban art and urban furniture.

He has received awards in national and international competitions such as: operation Brico (Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, 2004): System Ruda; first prize in Latin America (fair pure design 2005) Chair: Chair Valentine; second prize Moche S.A. (2005) outdoor furniture: loafer; and he was part of the selection Movelsul Salao Design (2006). In 2008 he was selected as a young design talent to the pure design fair. In 2010 was selected for the art and young design awards by the CCEBA, participating with own objects and curing the sector of sustainable design at the Palais de Glace in Buenos Aires city. In 2010 he was selected as Climate Champion by the British Council. In 2012, he participated in the Ibero-American biennial of design. In 2013 awarded revelation in the pure design fair for their Carton packed (urban, natural and human sustainability) project using design as a platform for social inclusion and sustainability. In 2015 it wins a bike rack competition for the city of Buenos Aires.